How might we create a platform that makes people more willing to donate?

Sep 2017 - May 2018 /
Eunjung Kim (Independent Project)
Giftage, a compound word combining “gift” and “message”, is an application where users (donors) can buy items as gifts for friends while donating to important causes. Users can receive items that include barcodes through text messages or the application if they buy items and give them to friends. Also, they could see messages from the person who gave the gift on the receipt.
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe XD
Final Cut Pro
1. Problem: What am I empathizing with?
This project started with my curiosity about the current donation campaigns which demand that people should have sympathy for donation campaigns. I have interested in empathy in design and I wanted to redesign the user experience of donation campaigns. In the beginning, my question was how to create empathy in donation campaigns while increasing the willingness of individuals to donate.
2. Research & Insight
I conducted interviews to know the pain point that needed to be improved and found that with a high probability, satisfaction about the donation is determined after making the donation.
Quantitative research
Key Insights

Qualitative Research: User Testing
Finding 1: People feel more related to advertisements targeting a specific person rather than a large audience. (They wanted to know outcomes and changes they made.)
Finding 2: People feel more attached to advertisements when they are connected to something they perceive as valuable. (The meaning behind the product is important.)
Finding 3: Many people expect to see donation campaigns on social media. (The reliability of social media tends to be low.)
How does it work? (Low-fi sketches)
User Flow
